All courses taught by Dr. Gill are accessible with a student account that can be created by the parent or student who are enrolled in the class.
Please fill the form for registration and follow directions in the email, the key for self enrolment to the course are in parenthesis.
College Ready Math (crm)
Algebra II (alg2)
Algebra III (alg3)
APPhysicsII (phy)
Clever is a portal currently subscribed to by Jackson Public Schools. It leads to many apps and links used by 好色先生 Scholars and Educators.
Login Instructions
Enter your username ( Full MSIS# and @jpsms.org)
Enter your password (your birthdate m/d/yyyy) or (mm/dd/yyyy) or mmddyyyy
For example:
For a student with MSIS# 000125325 and DOB 9 March 1999,
USER Name 000125325@jpsms.org
Password 3/9/1999 or 03/09/1999 or 03091999