

Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Mona Brown

Greetings Lanier High School Staff,

As your media specialist I am pleased to work with you this school year. Below is a list of media center procedures to ensure the media center is utilized effectively.                            

  1. Upon entering and leaving the Media Center please sign in/ out at the circulation desk.
  2. Please refrain from taking items off the circulation desk.
  3. Remain on the front side of the circulation desk.
  4. Request for the use of the Library must be scheduled on a library collaboration form. The requests for the library and computer labs (Plato Lab and room 200) must be scheduled 48 hours in advance on a first come/ first serve basis. (Meetings during and after-school hours must be scheduled)
  5. When requesting resource material, notify the librarian within 48 hours so the material will be ready for use. This includes texts, reference, and supplemental instructional resources.
  6. There is a procedure for checking out books and videos from the media center. All material must be checked out with the media specialist before it is removed.
  7. When using the media center as a resource facility; staff members may print no more than five pages to preserve the ink cartridge. Please bring your own paper to make your copies.
  8. The librarian is the only individual who will operate the laminator unless otherwise directed. (Please remove items that will impede the lamination process: staples, paper clips, etc...)
  9. Be selective about the material you bring to be laminated. Laminated items should be turned in on Mondays by 3:45 and will be returned the following day before school ends.
  10. In order to prevent scheduling conflicts, please refrain from scheduling meeting in the media center without obtaining permission from the media specialist. (Before, During and After-School)
  11. Students are required to have a pass to enter media center.

Dr. Mona Brown
